Juuso-Matias forming a triangle with their hands. Text Intimacy Director, Theatre Pedagogue, Physical Actor, juuso-matias.fi

Juu­so-Matias is an artist-expert in por­tray­ing vio­lence and intimacy.

The two process types

My approach­es to work depend on what I do. When work­ing as an edu­ca­tor, I val­ue slow, care­ful and open-end­ed process­es of learn­ing. In con­trast, as a move­ment direc­tor, I val­ue clar­i­ty and communication. 

Educational settings

Work in an edu­ca­tion­al set­ting means cours­es, work­shops or full edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams where goal is to teach a vari­ety of phys­i­cal tech­niques to be used in future projects.

My step-by-step train­ing method in per­former phys­i­cal­i­ty includes tech­niques for body edu­ca­tion, tech­ni­cal phys­i­cal the­atre and spe­cif­ic sus­tain­able meth­ods for craft­ing inti­ma­cy and violence.

My edu­ca­tion is all about per­son­al journeys.

Project-based work

In a project envi­ron­ment my work is to weave my exper­tise to help us tell the sto­ry we want to tell. 

In con­trast to edu­ca­tion, the tools I choose when work­ing with a pro­duc­tion are very specif­i­cal­ly built to serve the work­ing group. My tech­ni­cal focus is on prepa­ra­tion for the artis­tic jour­neys and prac­ti­cal, phys­i­cal choic­es. I val­ue the effec­tive use of time and ener­gy, but under­stand human limits.

The intent here is to tell the best pos­si­ble sto­ry.

When work­ing with a project inti­ma­cy or vio­lence, I use two dif­fer­ent process­es. The choice depends on whether I work with live per­for­mance or if we wish to record the performance.

Intimacy Direction for Live Performance

Inti­ma­cy Direc­tion is a process weaved to the pro­duc­tion all the way to its premiere. 

Intimacy Coordination for Recorded Media

Inti­ma­cy Coor­di­na­tion is a process weaved to the process where the goal is to record the performance. 


 This Cur­ricu­lum Vitae paints a rough overview of my rel­e­vant pro­fes­sion­al experience.

I fol­low the inter­na­tion­al stan­dards for inti­ma­cy work title as fol­lows: Inti­ma­cy Coor­di­na­tor (IC, for record­ed media, läheisyysko­or­di­naat­tori in Finnish), Inti­ma­cy Direc­tor (ID, for live per­for­mance, läheisyyso­h­jaa­ja in Finnish). I also apply the same log­ic for move­ment, fight and stunt work.

Direct­ly below (in mobile ver­sion of the site) or next to this text (deskop) is my Pic­ture Port­fo­lio to give a rough visu­al impres­sion of my pro­fes­sion­al jour­ney since 2011.



The Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts Helsin­ki: Con­sent Day (2024) as Guest Lec­tur­er.

cof­fee n’ movies: Neon Moon (2021–2024) as Inti­ma­cy Coordinator.

Helsin­ki-fil­mi (2024) as Inti­ma­cy Coordinator.

 Fish­er King (2023) as Inti­ma­cy Coordinator.

Yel­low Film & TV (2024) as Inti­ma­cy Coordinator.

Turun Suur­torin keski­ai­ka ry: Elävöitet­ty Pyhi­in­vael­lus (2023) as The­atre Director.

Avatar’s Jour­ney Trav­el Agency & The Inter­na­tion­al The­atre of Fin­land: Love Sim­u­la­tion EVE (2023) as Inti­ma­cy Director

The Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts Helsin­ki: Inti­ma­cy Chore­og­ra­phy course (2023) as Guest Lec­tur­er.

Warn­er Bros: Aal­lon­mur­ta­ja, 4th Sea­son (2022) as Inti­ma­cy Coordinator.

Tekele Pro­duc­tions: Kiitos elämä (2022) as Inti­ma­cy Coordinator.

Kai­ho Repub­lic: Swang, 2nd Sea­son (2022) as Inti­ma­cy Coordinator.

Tuffi Films (2022, post­poned) as Inti­ma­cy Coordinator.

Turku Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences: Eräänä… Zom­bi­etrilo­gia (2022) as Fight Coor­di­na­tor.

Teat­teri Soit­tora­sia: Stage Vio­lence course (2022) as The­atre Teacher.

Team EVE: Water Spir­its (2020–2022) as Inti­ma­cy Director.

cof­fee n’ movies: Memen­to Mori (2021, post­poned) as Inti­ma­cy Coordinator.

Fyr Films: The Demon of Mid­day (2021) as Inti­ma­cy Coor­di­na­tor and Fight Coordinator.

Turku Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences: Phys­i­cal Expres­sion 1 (autumn 2021) as Stand-in for The­atre Teacher.

Finnish-lan­guage Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege Turku: Humane The­atre Course (autumn 2021) as The­atre Teacher.

Kuroa Kollek­ti­ivi (2021 onwards) as Res­i­dent Inti­ma­cy Direc­tor (as need­ed).

Arvo Jean-Michael Saari­nen’s Work Safe­ty Project at North Kare­lia as Inti­ma­cy Educator.

Turku Medieval Mar­ket: Medieval Fer­ry (sum­mer 2021) as Direc­tor, Fight Direc­tor and Per­former.

EVE — An Immer­sive Per­for­mance (can­celled 2021, 2018–2021) as Move­ment Direc­tor and Inti­ma­cy Edu­ca­tor.

Varsi­nais-Suomen kansanopis­to: The­atre and Make-up Pro­gram (spring 2020) as Stand-in for Main The­atre Teacher.

Suomen Musi­ikkiteat­teri Akatemia (2014–2017) as Phys­i­cal The­atre Teacher, Res­i­dent Fight Director.

Åbolands Teater­sko­la: Basic Edu­ca­tion in The­atre Pro­gram (2018–2019) as The­atre Teacher.

Suomen Teat­te­ri­opis­to: Per­former tech­niques for Vio­lence and Inti­ma­cy (autumn 2018) as Guest Teacher.

Koskikotikeskus: Humane The­atre (2018) as Guest Teacher.

Pirkan Opis­to: Stage Com­bat Course (2017) as Guest Teacher. 



Con­sent Stu­dio: Inti­ma­cy in Trans­la­tion: Bridg­ing Con­sent in Cul­ture and Lan­guage (2022) as a dis­cus­sion partner.

Meteli, Equi­ty Paper: Alas­tonko­htauk­set ja läheisyy­den kore­ografioin­ti (2020).

Novia Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences (BA the­sis): A Search for the Inner Drag­on : A Stu­den­t’s Analy­sis of Phys­i­cal Act­ing Tech­nique (2015)



Mas­ter Stu­dent in Per­form­ing Arts (2023-) with Stock­holm Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts.

Inti­ma­cy Direc­tor (Live Per­for­mance) (Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Pend­ing from 2022) with Inti­ma­cy Direc­tors Coor­di­na­tors

Inti­ma­cy Direc­tor Men­tor Pro­gram (2017–2020) with Inti­ma­cy Direc­tors Inter­na­tion­al.

BA in The­atre and Dra­ma Ped­a­gogy (2019) with Novia Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences.

Bach­e­lor of Arts in Per­form­ing Arts in Phys­i­cal The­atre (2015) at Novia Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences



Turku Medieval Mar­ket (See films at Film 1,  Film 2, Film 3 and Film 4) as Film Direc­tor.

Dra­mat­ic Com­bat Fin­land and Nordic Stage Fight Soci­ety: Sum­mer Clash 2022 (2022) as Work­shop Producer.

Dra­mat­ic Com­bat Fin­land: Kesämäiske’21 (2021) as Work­shop Producer.

Turku Dansart: Phys­i­cal the­atre lessons for pro­fes­sion­al per­form­ers (2021) as Teacher.

Teat­teri Iris: Tyt­tö ja Her­ra K (spring-sum­mer 2017) as Phys­i­cal Actor, The­atre Pedagogue.

Kom­pas­tusjoukko: Lep­us ®evo­lu­tion (2017) as Group Member.

Jyväskylän kansan­näyt­tämö: Saaren kätköis­sä - A 50-year anniver­sary play (spring 2016) as The­atre Director.

Kom­pas­tusjoukko: Jäävuori­vaara (2016) as Group Member.

Kom­pas­tusjoukko: More Amore (2015) as Group Member.



Chair­per­son at Live Art Society.

Vice-chair at Esi­tys­taiteen Keskus ry – Per­for­mance­cen­trum rf.

Board Mem­ber at The­atre Work­ers Union.

Trea­sur­er at Dra­mat­ic Com­bat Fin­land.

Sec­re­tary at Turun seudun Seta ry.

Vice-chair at Koulu­tus­poli­it­ti­nen Vasem­mis­to KOVA.

Vice Board Mem­ber at Varsi­nais-Suomen Vasemmistoliitto

Vice Board Mem­ber at Nordic Stage Fight Soci­ety.

Vice Board Mem­ber at Turku Dansart.

Juuso-Matias’ Calendar

Contact Form

May I con­sid­er your pro­duc­tion as any of the following?

Contact Details


+358 (0) 40 717 2486

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